Insurance Control Saves You Money
When the insurance auditor shows up, you
aren't concerned when you have Basic Builder.
If you keep poor insurance records, the audit
can cost thousands. You know how easy it
is to forget to check for a current insurance
policy every time you pay a sub. You also
know that you will pay for his insurance
if his is expired. With workers compensation
insurance skyrocketing (over 50% for roofers)
you can ill afford to make mistakes in this
area. With Basic Builder, you are protected.
The subs' expiration dates are recorded along
with the percentage you wish to hold if their
insurance is expired. You also record the
rate you must pay for them. Every time an
invoice is submitted, the program checks
to see that they have insurance. If it is
not current, it deducts a percentage from
the labor part of the invoice (the same way
your insurance auditor calculates what you
will pay him. If you take more than you have
to pay, Basic Builder will show you how much
in an insurance analysis report.
You put insurance information on file for
each sub:
The analysis report shows if you are withholding
enough. This is a version of this report
for your insurance auditor showing the invoices
and the premiums.
When you enter an invoice for
a sub with
expired insurance, you get a
bulletin and
the program withholds based on
information on file:
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