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CDCI, LLC. Back in 1979, two construction veterans knew there had to be a better way to manage their business. They pooled their years of experience as contractors, builders, and construction management consultants and set out to develop a computer system expressly for construction firms.
(866) 563-6806
NAHB's Business Building Briefs are a benefit of NAHB membership, distributed by the Business Management and Information Technology Committee. The purpose of the articles is to help you increase your company's profits and productivity. If you'd like to comment on the articles or suggest a topic to be covered, please contact Jill Tunick at the phone number or e-mail address below.
Looking for archived Building Business Brief articles? You'll find them online at Business Management Tools, a special, members-only section of http://www.nahb.org/.
Building Business Briefs can be sent to you via e-mail. For more information, contact Jill Tunick at 1-800-368-5242, ext. 8461, or by e-mail: jtunick@nahb.com. This material may be reprinted in NAHB newsletters and member education materials.
Boost Your Business With a Dynamic Web Site
Branding Not Just for Beef
Oil and Water: Don't Mix Personal Funds and Company Finances
Boost Your Business With Effective Communication and Leadership
Tech Talk: Improving Scheduling and Cycle Time
A Fine Mesh: Linking Schedules to Purchase and Work Orders
Managing Overhead to Maximize Profits
Tech Talk: Managing Prospects and Buyers
Tech Talk: Managing Purchase Orders and Payment Approval
Tech Talk: Managing Selections and Change Orders
Maximize Your Marketing With Press Releases
New Phone and Fax Regulations Are a Wake-Up Call for Business Owners
PDA Update
Preparing To Sell Your Business
Tech Talk: Product Design and Development
Profiting from Home Parades
Safety: A Wise Investment for Your Business
Oh, Brother! Surviving the Stresss of a Family Business
Say "Freeze": Using Digital Pictures to Document Jobsites
What's It Worth? Understanding Your Company's Market Value